2023 Update from Jayakumar

from our Worship Gathering on February 5

2023 Update from REAP

Directly from REAPIndia.church
Bible Believing Churches and Missions
Bangalore, India

Jay founded Bible Believing Churches & Missions (BBCM) in India and REAP International in the US. As an entity, BBCM/REAP is dedicated to church planting, missional training, and social missions across South Asia. BBCM has planted more than 150 churches and is currently involved in hundreds of other church plants through its training division, the Academy for Church Planting & Leadership (ACPL). Jay has been involved in the work of church planting in India for the last 28 years. He has expanded his ministry into South Asia since 2003.

His experience and academic research over these many years have made him a world authority on church planting in South Asia. Jay's vision is to ensure that there is 1 indigenous and reproductive church for every 10,000 people in South Asia. One church for every 10,000 people means thousands of churches are needed. As a strategy, BBCM/REAP seeks to plant new churches in the least reached and unreached regions. In the regions where churches are existing, BBCM volunteers come alongside them to rejuvenate and replenish them into becoming indigenous and reproductive.

The "Indigenous Reproductive" philosophy of Jay is what makes his ministry unique in his ministry sphere. By indigenous he means four things:

  1. Self-governing (no control from outside the body)
  2. Self-sufficient (funded from within the body)
  3. Self-propagating (outreach from within breaking all the 5 walls - the 4 walls of the church that disconnect itself from society and the fifth wall that divides the clergy from the laity.
  4. Self-culturing (incarnate as a body into the community without compromise on the essentials of biblical truth).

Thus far, Jay has planted 3 churches himself and has affected thousands of others through the "100 Church Plants" initiative and the mobilizing of church planters through training programs across South Asia as well as personal mentoring relationships. Jay is now transitioning into the role of a movement leader, marketing his philosophy of ministry among emerging and promising church planters. He travels extensively in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka. 



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